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Sina telesurgery robot was installed and launched with the presence of the Vice-President of Science

Sina's remote robotic surgery system was put into operation in one of Indonesia's hospitals with the presence of the vice president of science, technology and knowledge-based economy.

In the continuation of the visit by the Iranian delegation to Indonesia, in the presence of Ruhollah Dehghani, Vice President of Science and Technology, and Mustafa Ghanei, Secretary of the Department for Development of Knowledge-Based Health Economy, the remote robotic surgery system of Sinai was put into operation.

This surgical robot can be used in chest and abdominal surgeries. Its advantages include increased surgical accuracy, absence of deep incisions in the patient's body during surgery, less bleeding, faster recovery, and a shorter recovery period for the patient. Also, with this robot, the surgeon does not need to wear sterile clothes to perform the operation and can do his work without being in the operating room and away from anesthetic gases and dangerous infections.

This system consists of two main parts; The first part is a surgical process control console that is available to the surgeon and receives the movement commands of the surgeon's hands and control commands from the surgeon's fingers and feet and provides the surgeon with a real-time image of the surgical position.

The second part is the set of surgical bed and surgeon and imaging robots on the patient's bed, which apply the movements received from the surgical console in real time on the patient's body and at the surgical site. Communication between the two mentioned departments is possible locally or remotely through the Internet, and the surgeon can perform surgery from one city to another.

The ability to increase the precision of the surgeon's performance by using the scaling mechanism of the surgeon's hand movement, removing vibration from the surgeon's hand movements, keeping the surgeon away from pathogens and infections in the operating room, creating ergonomic working conditions for the surgeon and, as a result, reducing fatigue in long-term operations, and reducing the injuries caused to the patient in performing complex surgeries without the need for the surgeon's hand to enter the patient's abdomen by using flexible tools are among the advantages of this system.

The Iranian surgeon robot (Sina) is a competitor of the American surgeon robot (Da Vinci) and has been approved and registered in the US Patent Office.

Following the signing of a memorandum of understanding on joint cooperation between Iran and Indonesia by the Vice President of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy and the Center for International Interactions of the Vice President for Science, they purchased two Sina surgical robots from Sina Company and in 2021 and 2022 in two cities of Indonesia was installed at a distance of 500 km.

Vice Presidency of Science, Technology and Knowledge-Based Economy


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